Sunday, May 6, 2012

Pink Flowers for My First Bridal Shower


Today I attended my first bridal shower, as in really.

I didn't exactly know what to expect. I mean, I've seen it in movies, but it's a different story when you're in a sweet circle and you're expected to lend a hand in the activities. Needless to say, I had to do some research just to make the activities worthwhile.

It's Justine and Paul's wedding.

I first heard about it around third quarter last year and I must admit that I was really surprised. Jus is my junior in college along with Han, her maid of honor, both of whom enrolled in nursing - I was in the Behavioral Science program back then : ) I met them through a quirky hobbyist group, where, by destiny's magic - Jus also met Paul. 

Knowing them from the start, seeing it happen, and knowing that they're getting their fairy tale ending just makes the experience a whole lot more magical!

Look at those cupcakes, so pretty.

Han as the dutiful maid of honor stringed everything together to give Jus the most memorable Bridal Shower ever. She made reservations at Cafe Mary Grace and did the set up with Kana. She asked me to come up with some activities, which I did. I packed some prizes just to make it more exciting too, haha.

 It was quite an experience :D

From Left to Right: Han, Kana, Me, Justine, Jes, Ranee and Rouche

Of course, these events won't be complete without touching messages, so I made everyone write her simple yet meaningful notes which the bride will read before she walks down the aisle.


Finally, me and the Bride to be : )
I'm not sure when the next bridal shower I'll be attending will be - but I'm really happy Justine's happened to be my first.

More wonderful things.

*All photos courtesy of Han Abello

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