Sunday, April 22, 2012

Boxing It Up! Cooking and Bentos


I love food. I mean, who doesn’t?!

Eating out and discovering new places is sort of a family hobby. While my parents stick well to our Filipino food and Chinese cuisune, my sister and I are quite adventurous with food. Which is why we love exploring new places (which you’ll read much about later on). But more than eating and taking photos of food, I absolutely love cooking. It’s one of my most favorite things in life! In fact, when I feel down and out of it, I just check out the fridge and whip something up, works every time!

I cook by feeling, if that makes sense. Baking for me – is more like an exact science. With cooking, you put a dash of this, a pinch of that, mix it up however you like it – however you love it. And after everything, you look at it – your own piece of art, take a photo or two for memories and enjoy it.

My typical Bento. It's a Gamer Bento!
It's a ps3 controller, it just doesn't translate well, haha.

When I started picking up blogging again, I thought I’d have a hard time thinking of food-centric things to write about, but I remembered how much I love eating and making food. And I thought, what better first post than bento?

Another Gamer Bento. Does it look like Demyx from Kingdom Hearts?

Bento making is a kind of Japanese household art that centers around the crafting of a beautiful lunch. And when I say beautiful, I mean, stunning. (Mine, not really, but I try! Haha.) If you search around the net, you’d  find that these things are really quite intricate, well decorated and most of all, well balanced. You’ll find supplies on the internet for just about every detail of this specific art.

These Red Sakura Bento boxes are from Saizen.
This bento is a simple Orange Chicken and Chicken Teriyaki Bento
plus the 'mandatory' eggs and octopus sausages.

Back in the day, I’d have to look around Duty Free or order elsewhere to get some of my bento boxes, and the like. Luckily, these days places like, Saizen, Japan Home Center and Cent Shops now carry these little pieces for everyone to enjoy.

Lastly, my Vocaloid Bento of the Kagamine twins.
Has two kinds of sausages and rolls plus Vanilla Chicken. 
It was a hit last time I brought it to a picnic : )

Practice does make things perfect. My friends have been asking me to document the process, I will probably do that in the future when I get better at it. Maybe one day, I will have enough experience to create the most intricate bento ever. Hopefully, I’d remember to blog about it too : )

Life sure is wonderful : )

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